Monday, 3 August 2015

6 tips for building confidence before your next job interview

Let's face it; interviews can be nerve-wracking and downright intimidating. Even when your work is top-notch and you love what you do, you may find yourself shaking, sweating, or stumbling over your words just before or during an interview.

How can you get the nerves out of the way so your confidence and competence shine through? Try these six tips for building confidence before your next job interview.
  • Do your research. Preparation helps boost confidence no matter where you are. Start by learning everything you can about the company, the interviewers, and the job posting. Scour the Internet for news about the employer and the department, talk to people who work there, and plan a session with your recruiter so you can get the "inside scoop" on the job for which you're interviewing.
  • Practice on sample interview questions. A quick Internet search will lead you to sample questions that are commonly asked in interviews. Review several of these to identify the questions you'll most likely be asked, and come up with some brief answers you can offer. Then, practice with a trusted friend or colleague to perfect your delivery.
  •  Clean up your social media and review your career history. Cleaning the potential "skeletons" out of your closet does two things. First, it helps you anticipate any really tough interview questions, like "Why weren't you working last year?" or "Why did you leave your last employer?" Second, it helps you identify moments that would make good interview topics, like presentations you only vaguely remember giving or moments you solved a problem at work no one else could crack.
  •  Prep and pack what you need the night before. Scrambling to find your portfolio or your best shoes the morning of an interview is a recipe for anxiety – and a great way to show up late. Instead, lay out everything you'll need the night before. This gives you time to decide exactly what image you want to project and to make sure you have everything you need to give that great first impression.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to arrive. Pad your travel schedule with at least twenty extra minutes to help you ensure you arrive on time. If you're worried about having idle time in the waiting room, bring along materials to help you do some last-minute interview refreshing, like information about the company.
  • Breathe. Simple deep breathing exercises can help you calm your mind, clear your voice, and center your thoughts on your passion for your work and your enthusiasm about the job opportunity. Take a few seconds to calm your mind and breathe several times for the best results.
Aerizo Group – HR Consultancy

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