Thursday, 28 January 2016

Strategic Plannings: Secret ingredients to the success

Have you ever wondered what the secret to success is? For most people, it's not one specific thing. Rather, it's the result of many daily habits that are repeated over and over. Here are few things you can do every day to ensure that you're being intentional with your time and spending it on your priorities. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and watch your success soar!

Define your priorities.

What are your main three priorities in your life? What three things do you do with the majority of your time? Do your priorities match up with where you're spending your time? If so, awesome. If not, you'll need to work extra hard to be intentional about spending more time on your priorities, and getting rid of the junk that prevents you from doing what's important to you. Really think about how you want to spend your life – you will likely only feel successful if you spend your time on what matters most to you.

Set a schedule for the following day.

Time is our most precious resource, and it's irreplaceable. If you really want to be successful, you'll need to plan how you're spending your time.

One way to do this is to take time each evening to write out a schedule for the next day. Writing out your schedule helps for three main reasons: It helps you maximize every hour you are awake; it helps you set aside time to focus on your priorities every day; and it helps you discover if you waste a lot of time. Setting a schedule will help you avoid the trap of time-suckers like TV.

Be honest with the person in the mirror.

Be honest with yourself. Some people do their best work before sunrise, and others are incredibly productive late in the evening. If you love starting your day at 5 a.m., wonderful – go ahead. If you prefer to sleep in, that's fine too. Successful people are honest with themselves. They know that setting a goal of working out every morning at 4:30 a.m. isn't the best idea if they've never been a morning person. They set their goals based on their most productive times.

Give yourself deadlines.

Take advantage of a major productivity hack: Parkinson's Law. Parkinson's Law states that work will expand to fill the time available for its completion. If you have less time to complete a task, you'll likely increase your effort. Think about how clean you can make your house when someone calls and says they'll stop by in 20 minutes, and how intensely you can focus when you have a an assignment due the next morning. Your effort significantly increases when time is limited.

Giving yourself deadlines to accomplish tasks can help you achieve your goals. As you set your daily schedule, it can help to use Parkinson's Law to your advantage. One way to do this is by using time blocks. Give yourself 55 minutes to accomplish a goal, and then take a planned 5 minute break. Knowing you have limited time will help maximize your productivity during the 55 minute work session. Also, the mini mental breaks from your hard work every hour can re-energize you.

Minimize distractions.

Get rid of as many distractions as possible while you work. If the internet distracts you, set your computer so it's locked from certain sites during set times of the day. Shut off your phone. Your messages will be there when you're done with your to-do list.


Plan time every day to take care of yourself. Set aside time in your schedule for you to give yourself the gift of exercise, quiet time, or ideally both.

Plan backward.

One way to move forward toward your big goals is to plan backward when setting goals.

Write it down.

Research shows that just by writing your goals down, your chance of achieving those increases significantly! Write down your goals, post them somewhere easily visible, refer to them frequently, and you have a much higher chance of success.

Find an accountability partner.

Accountability partners are great; they encourage and support us as we work toward achieving our goals. Maybe you've always wanted to write a book, exercise regularly, or start a home-based business. Tell someone who will help keep you accountable and check in with you weekly to review your progress. It works great to have an accountability partner who has some similar goals.

Compare yourself to others only to fuel your determination.

You really want to feel good about your life? Quit comparing yourself to everyone else if it makes you feel bad. Being envious of others can quickly decrease your happiness and make you feel unsuccessful.

That being said, comparing can be helpful if you're doing it out of admiration instead of jealousy. If your friend is constantly getting promoted at work, study his habits at the office. Does he always arrive early and stay late, and offer to take on extra projects? Emulating his work ethic may help you get the raise you desire.

'When we compare in a healthy way, it can fuel our determination to become more successful.'

Seek out a mentor.

If there's a specific area in your life you are passionate about, choose a successful mentor to help you grow in that area. You may find that you have different mentors for different areas in your life. Consider hiring a coach; the right coach can make a world of difference in your life by giving you the inspiration and tools needed to reach high levels of success.


"If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate." – John C. Maxwell

As difficult as it can be, it's important to give up some control and delegate certain tasks. After all, there are only 24 hours in the day, and if you really want to focus on your priorities and become wildly successful, you'll need to trust others to take care of the things that are less important to you.

When we delegate some tasks to others, we are able to focus on what's important to us – a key to becoming successful.

Choose your company wisely.

Aside from having one specific accountability partner, choose your entire tribe with care.

According to businessman Jim Rohn, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

Are you hanging out with people who are encouraging, positive, and supportive? Or, do you spend most of your time with people who are toxic? Choose to spend your time with people who inspire you to be your best.


Want to be highly successful? Read. Read frequently. Reading invigorates us and opens our minds. Read material that inspires you and lights your fire. Delve into self-development. Absorb as much information as you possibly can. There's always more to learn.

Do these things every day and you will quickly be on the path to wild success!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

8 Weekend Habits of Highly Successful people

Weekends always seem to go quickly, but they're longer than we think. There are 60 hours between that 6 p.m. Friday beer and that 6 a.m. Monday alarm clock. Even if you sleep for 24 of those hours, that leaves 36 waking ones. That's plenty of time for fun, relaxation and more importantly, recharging the batteries. In our competitive world, successful people know that great weekends are the secret to workday success. You want weekends that leave you refreshed, not exhausted or disappointed, so you can hit Monday ready to go.

Here are some tips to be more productive in weekends:

1. Plan

Successful individuals don't go haphazardly into the weekend. They plan their day out just as they would any other. It might be a little more loosely-scheduled than a typical Tuesday, but with only so many hours in a week, successful people know they have to use all the free time they can get to accomplish the errands and tasks they need to accomplish. Without a plan, you'll end up watching "just one more episode" of sitcom reruns before you realize it's already 4 p.m. on Sunday.

2. Get up early

Of course it feels good to sleep in, but it feels even better to have checked some tasks off your list before anyone else around you has gotten out of bed. It's actually quite rejuvenating to get up and moving early on days you don't have to. Starting your Saturday off by hitting the gym or reading a book will leave you feeling more refreshed than if you wasted an extra two or three hours laying in bed staring at the ceiling.

3. Unplug

In today's busy, interconnected world, most of us never truly leave work at work. Our phones are likely connected to our email and Twitter accounts, meaning we can be bombarded with a work-related task even after the 5 p.m. whistle blows on Friday. But even the hardest working among us need time to let work go. Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, advocates taking a "tech Sabbath," even for a couple hours over the weekend. Go riding or hiking, visit a museum or library – and do so without your phone in your pocket. You'll be amazed at how much more visceral the experience is.

4. Exercise

During the week, you probably told yourself you were going to hit the gym at least once or twice. Then, life happened. While you can't blame yourself for neglecting the gym because you needed to pick up your kids or your wife's car broke down, the weekend is the perfect time to make up for lost opportunities. And if you can knock it off early in the day, doing so will absolutely kickstart your day and keep you motivated and moving throughout everything else you have planned for your time off.

5. Socialize

During the week, you may not have had time to eat dinner with your kids or take them out for ice cream. Don't be that parent that's so addicted to work that they neglect the people they are working to support. Plan fun activities to do as a family, and don't forget about taking your spouse out for romantic dinner dates every once in a while. Make the time to meet up with friends and connect in more ways than just text messaging each other every few weeks. After all, what's the point of life if you can't enjoy it with the people you love?

6. Follow passions and hobbies

Warren Buffet plays the ukulele. George W. Bush paints. Jay Leno is a car freak. Successful people use every minute of their free time doing something they love doing, because they know they'll never get that time back. Even if your hobby requires hard work and dedication, if you're passionate about it, you'll still be relaxed and comfortable while working on it. Don't waste precious time scrolling through Twitter when you could be learning a new song on piano. You never know when a simple hobby could turn into a life-long passion.

7. Embrace downtime and reflect

Of course, there are times you'll need to sit quietly and let yourself just be. Career coach and author Roy Cohen believes meditating to be a great way to achieve peace of mind, while life coach Marsha Egan says most successful people use their downtime to reflect on their accomplishments, failures, and future plans.

8. Prepare for the week ahead

There's a reason many people wake up in a groggy panic every single Monday morning: They haven't mentally prepare themselves for the work week. Especially if you've wasted the weekend and didn't do all of the tasks you said you were going to "when you had the time," Monday mornings can be an incredibly stressful time. But if you've used your weekend wisely, and you take some time Sunday night to analyze all the errands and jobs you need to do throughout the week, you can wake up on Monday feeling ready to take on whatever gets thrown at you.

Set a goal for yourself

Failure is unavoidable in our lives. But if we can learn something from it every time, the chance of success will only increase.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Aerizo Group wishes you all a very Happy 67th Happy Republic Day #India2016

Managing Yourself: Stop Holding Yourself Back

Did you decide to start hitting the gym but failed to get out of your bed early the next morning? Or maybe, you wanted to start reading a new book but you couldn't make it past the first five pages. You want to take your classes regularly, hang out with friends more often, give time to your family and go to the mountains on holidays, but nothing is going the way you wanted it to. I know how it feels.

Everyone fantasizes about a lot of things in life and only some of them achieve what they desired. There are times when you are brought down and distressed by hurdles and problems in life, but the one who doesn't give up is the one who reaches his or her goals in life. Most people go unnoticed of the fact that they are not doing what they wanted to do in life and chances are you are one of them.

Well then these 7 signs you are not doing what you want to do can serve as a warning so that you change yourself and buckle up to progress.

1. You waste a lot of time doing unnecessary things

Surfing the internet for hours and scrolling your mouse again and again, watching reality television shows repeatedly, playing video games all day and drinking too much. If that's what you've been doing all along, you are never going to complete what you've wanted to. Think for yourself. Are things like such going to serve you for good? Will you enjoy success in life through doing these things?

You need to start taking your life seriously and taking time to evaluate yourself, your goals and your dreams. Once you start setting up a perfect routine for yourself, things are surely going to change and you'll complete what you've wanted to.

2. You're procrastinating a lot

You have a lot of things to complete and your deadline is looming but you find yourself indulged in many things that by no means are important. You are putting off your most important task for the other day, everyday and you just don't know how to start it. Well, procrastinating is the very first thing that prevents you from doing what you want to do.

The first thing you need to do is stop checking the same email again and again, stop watching videos that are not related to you in any way, hanging out for no reason or sitting in front of your computer and chatting with your friend about the new designer dress your ex's girlfriend wore yesterday. You seriously need to start doing things that are in your pending list right from now on and stop procrastinating.

3. You're complaining too often

You might not be happy with your job, your salary or the people around you and all you do is complain about things in a tea-party with your best friends. If you are one of these people you're doing it wrong. Complaining about a lot of things will burgeon negative thoughts in your life and it doesn't help you in any way.

What you can do is start changing things you don't like and develop a positive attitude. It keeps you motivated and you develop vigour to complete things that you've wanted to.

4. You don't sleep on time

Did you hear the morning alarm and you find yourself still awake? Well, all you need to start something fresh is rest. If you stay up late and don't get proper sleep, your mind does not function well. You feel drowsy the whole day and you just can't focus. This is what distresses you and keeps you away from doing what you really wanted to accomplish.

5. You don't feel inspired

You just watched a comedy movie but not even a punch line made you laugh, or you didn't even care about how fascinating the story of a boy was who saved a dog from getting hit by the bus. There are things people love to do and all you need to do is explore, get to know yourself and find things that excite you. You need to rediscover yourself and your passion to keep yourself motivated in life so that you can achieve your goals that you've set before.

6. You don't have plans

The first step of doing what you want to do is planning things accordingly and setting up a road-map of how you're going to reach it. If you get lost in the conundrum and start working out without a plan, you're almost certain to fail. As said, a good start is a job half done; planning is what gives you a perfect initiation to what you've wanted to do.

7. You are not enjoying your life

The first thing you need to do is keep yourself happy. Anyone's success is measured not by the amount of money they've earned over the years or the fame they've accumulated to reach their prominence, but by happiness. If you feel discordant or unsatisfied with yourself or the people around you, you're not enjoying your life and you are sure to fall back. You won't be able to concentrate on what you want to do if you are not enjoying your life.

If any of these 7 points feel like you, you don't need to worry. Making good changes is inevitable if you desire success and want to achieve things that you want to do. All you need to do is change the way you think of yourself, make a proper daily routine and start planning things accordingly. Success is not so far!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Candidates Required For Tanzania & Dubai

Dear Candidates,

We are currently looking for candidates for following vacancies:-


1) Required Operation Manager cum Supervisor for Leading Group of Hotels in Tanzania (Africa)

Experience: Min 2-3 Years in Management

Salary: INR 50,000/- (Inc. Food & Accommodation) **  



2) Required Two Sales Managers cum Supervisors for Import-Export business in Dubai (UAE)

Experience: Minimum 3-5 years in the field of Marketing & sales management.

Salary: INR 54,000/- + INR 9000 for Accommodation*



If you are interested in above vacancies with mentioned terms than kindly forward your cv 

Consultancy charges apply once candidate has been selected*

Friday, 15 January 2016

Professional dilemma and ethics in solving managerial challenges

There are many challenges facing business in the fast-paced, globally oriented markets of today's world.

Some of the management challenges are:

·         PESTEL 

·         The challenge of globalization

·         The challenge of ethics and governance

·         The challenge of diversity

·         The challenge of technology

·         The challenge of competition


Organizations are faced with a variety of external factors that provide potential opportunities and threats for short-term and long term success in any given environment. Encompassing a micro-environmental perspective, these factors can be effectively summarized with the acronym PESTEL.


PESTEL stands for the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal influences a business encounters as it pursues its objectives. Analyzing the entirety of the macro environment is an extensive and complex task, but understanding the framework of basic influences allows for an organized and strategic approach to isolating each opportunity or threat.

Ø  The challenge in globalization:

Globalization is a hot topic in the business world today, garnering enormous attention as imports and export continue to rise with companies expanding across the global marketplace. Understanding the basic overview of the global economy underlines highly relevant managerial and business level applications that provide useful insights to modern day managers. 

Ø  The challenge of ethics and governance:

As it's most basic, ethical behaviour can first be derived via the laws, rules, and regulations of    the country in which a business operates. In the united states, workers are imbued with very specific rights regarding the risks they take, the hours they works, the breaks they deserve, the benefits they are provided. Managers are the responsible parties in ensuring the delivered to the employees are entitled to overtime pay.

Ø  A challenge of diversity:

Globalization has resulted in cross culture relationships, along with high percentage of domestic diversity. As globalization creates higher potential value in approaching diverse markets and demographics, understanding how to manage a diverse community internally is a priority for management. Must be not only aware of diversity in the workplace but also open minded and empathetic to perspective other than their own.

Ø  The challenge in technology:

Managing the technology is an intrinsic part of managing a business and effective balancing resources to optimize efficiency is an important operational objective for all managers. Varying perspectives and strategies in technology management abound, all revolving around a few simple needs being filled to move the business towards a competitive advantages.  

Ø  The challenge of competition:

From a managerial perspective, competition generally falls in to the external environment; through it can also take shape in the internal environment through rivalry between business units. Manager must understand a company's competitive advancement and build a strategy that takes into account landscape.

Ethical and professional dilemma:

There are three conditions that must be present for a situation to be considered an ethical dilemma. The first condition occurs in situations when an individual, called the "agent" must take a decision about which course of action is best. The second condition for ethical dilemma is that there must be different course if action to choose from. The third, in an ethical dilemma, no matter what course of action is taken, some ethical principle is compromised. Now we jump out on professional dilemma, a professional dilemma is an ethical problem that requires an individual to choose a particular course of action. Usually, the choice is itself is black and white: one choice is clearly the right answer, while other choice is unmistakably the wrong answer. However the consequences or repercussions of choosing the right answer may sometimes make difficult decision.

Managerial implications:

·         Professional dilemma in solving management challenges:

An example of professional dilemma includes discovering fraudulent or illegal activities and debating whether to report it, or being pressured by bosses, colleagues or client to be deceitful. Other example include predicaments regarding disclosure of confidential information, withholding pertinent information, engaging, bosses or clients and accepting gifts that constitute a conflict of interest.

·        Ethical in solving management challenges:

For resolving the ethical dilemma manager has to mind the following points:

Know the principles: In ethical decision making there are three basic principles that can be used for resolution of problem. The three principles are that of intuitionism, moral idealism and utilitarianism.

   Debate moral choices: before taking a decision, moral decisions need to be thought upon and not just accepted blindly.

   Balance sheet approach: In balance sheet approach, the manager writes down the pros cons of the decision. This helps arrive at a clear picture of the things and by organizing things in a better way.

   Engage people up and down the hierarchy: one good practice is to announce ones stand on various ethical issues loudly such that a clear message to every member of the organization and to those who are at the greater risk of falling prey to unethical practices.

Integrating ethical decision making into strategic management: A better way to deal with this is to integrated ethical decision making into strategic management.


ü  Through the ethics in organization one can get efficiency, consistency, pay back and self respect. In other words we can say like this way:

§  Efficiency- decision can be made more quickly.

§  Consistency- results in more systematic output.

§  Payback- builds emotional goodwill with your constituents.

§  Self-respect – you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror.

ü  Globalization demands a diverse work force, and ages and dispositions is of high value.

ü  Technology management is crucial in offsetting the risks of new technology while acquiring the operational benefits it provides.

ü  From the above mentioned points and discuss above topic, manager definitely solve the management dilemmas.  

Monday, 11 January 2016

Trust me I'm a recruitment consultant

The stereotypical image of a recruitment consultant is not good. When you conjure up an image of a recruiter most people picture a pushy, arrogant, hard nosed sales person who doesn't listen.

In fact most are quite good – but nearly all are hindered by the burden of mistrust because of the job title. Trust is the biggest hurdle that recruiters need to overcome in order to provide a high value service to their clients. And trust isn't the first word that springs to mind when you think of a recruitment consultant. But without trust it is very difficult to provide a consultancy type service, which brings me onto my next point.

'Consultancy' or a 'Source and send a CV service'?

What do you really want - 'Consultancy' or a 'Source and send a CV service'? There are many who believe that the craft of recruiting is a dying art. There are many recruiters who call themselves consultants, but they do not consult – what they do is keyword search and push CVs into portals or email boxes.

Set up their recruiters to become a trusted advisor

Some clients can make it very difficult for recruiters to provide their expertise and consultancy skills – they are too busy to discuss their recruitment needs. They have little or no time to put into the relationship and set up their recruiters to become a trusted advisor and importantly set them up for success. Of course this will continue to be the case if client companies elect to have too many suppliers for too little business opportunity.

Clients get the service they deserve!

Clients have a huge say in the type of service that they get from recruiters. If they chuck out a vacancy that their in-house recruiters are already working on, to a Preferred Supplier List (PSL) where there are a dozen plus recruitment companies all fishing in the same pond, then it is little wonder that those recruiters invest little time and effort into those types of arrangement.

This will lead to many recruiters opting not to send any CVs or making a token gesture quick and easy response back to the client. What you can be rest assured of is a consultant can ill afford to spend a lot of time and effort on low commitment long shots – and the best recruiters will be busy marketing scarce skills into companies where they have a better chance of success. And this isn't by choice, they simply can't afford to – as recruiters they risk losing their job if they keep working vacancies that never lead to a successful placement.

Working with recruiters with a better success

Recruitment is one of the few industries which tolerate such high failure rates.

There are a number of key players in any recruitment process – the key ones are the recruiter, HR and the line manager. Many companies do not allow access to the line manager, yet this is the most important person that a recruiter needs to consult with in order to deliver the best candidates. I know that part of the mistrust is because recruiters have abused the privilege in the past and line managers have opted out of process – however the recruiter, HR and the line manager all have to recognise that they are all key to the process and that there needs to be collaboration and communication between all three.

The key ingredient to any recruiter relationship is trust

Recruiters, to avoid having the service they provide commoditised and the risk of being replaced by technology or cheaper outsource options, need to become experts in a specialist field. A specialist field that isn't readily available to a client internally or externally. This way they will provide value through advising and consulting in their area of expertise. With skill and talent shortages prevalent, even during the worldwide recession of the last five years, there are plenty of opportunities for recruiters to do this. Clients should have a rigorous selection process and do their due diligence in order to appoint the right recruitment organisations as 'trusted advisors', and then the relationship should be built on the basis of how to optimise success.

Exclusively filling 100% of 20 vacancies per annum for a client

It is an obvious thing to state, but a recruitment supplier will be far more committed to exclusively filling 100% of 20 vacancies per annum for a client, as opposed to filling 20% of 100 vacancies that they have to work. Would a company with 100 vacancies per year get a much greater engagement, commitment and service effort appointing five companies on their PSL who all have the total responsibility of filling their 20, than five companies who get all 100 vacancies where it becomes a big bundle to fill just one in five? The immediate thing that springs to mind is 'But what if they don't fill every position?' Back to that word trust again. Can you trust yourself to find a reliable provider of what you need, and then can you trust them to deliver what you need?

I pay my consultants whether they make a placement or not

Traditional recruitment (contingent recruitment) is a very inefficient process. As the founder of Resourcing Solutions, I am amazed at how hard a recruiter has to work in order to make a few dozen placements each year. When we translate the efficiencies (or inefficiencies) it just doesn't make sense for us, our clients or our candidates to keep operating with such an inefficient model – which ultimately the client pays for in money, the candidate pays for in wasted time (80% of the jobs candidates are put forward to, do not lead to a placement). And as a recruitment company it costs us both time and money.

Clients who have engaged in this service with us over the last year are delighted with the results – our recruitment consultants have had to rediscover the craft of recruitment and they are now back consulting (which is far more interesting and rewarding than just performing keyword searches and pressing the send button on email); candidates are far more confident in committing to a recruitment process where they do not have so much of their valuable time wasted; and clients are getting the benefit of between 500% - 900% more time and effort, at less cost, as well as receiving much better candidates in the process. It is a win: win: win scenario.

Trust me – it's an absolute no brainer.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Want to get succeed? Keep these things in mind

The road to success is a long and winding one, with plenty of obstacles just waiting to trip up a careless traveller. Apart from the privileged few who are given everything on a silver platter, most of the people who make their dreams come true put in a lot of hard work and make sacrifices behind the scenes, constantly improving themselves. Shaping yourself into a smarter, faster, stronger and better version takes time, and there are a number of things that you need to do for success, even though you may not realize it yet.

    You have to do the hard things.


  ü  You have to make the call you're afraid to make.

  ü  You have to get up earlier than you want to get up.

  ü  You have to give more than you get in return right away.

  ü  You have to care more about others than they care about you.

  ü  You have to fight when you are already injured, bloody, and sore.

  ü  You have to feel unsure and insecure when playing it safe seems smarter.

  ü  You have to lead when no one else is following you yet.

  ü  You have to invest in yourself even though no one else is.

  ü  You have to look like a fool while you're looking for answers you don't have.

  ü  You have to grind out the details when it's easier to shrug them off.

  ü  You have to deliver results when making excuses is an option.

  ü  You have to search for your own explanations even when you're told to accept the "facts."

  ü  You have to make mistakes and look like an idiot.

  ü  You have to try and fail and try again.

  ü  You have to run faster even though you're out of breath.

  ü  You have to be kind to people who have been cruel to you.
You have to meet deadlines that are unreasonable and deliver results that are unparalleled.

  ü  You have to be accountable for your actions even when things go wrong.

  ü  You have to keep moving towards where you want to be no matter what's in front of you.

Remember one thing, the harder the nut is to crack, the harder & stronger you'll become after you finally crack open it's shell & triumphantly feed on its produce.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Personality Traits of a Successful Event Planner

As newer technologies are making their way to make things better, the world of event management has changed tremendously in the last few years. Different kinds of events applications help to make the event run smoothly, and if an event manager uses technology prudently he can gain an edge over his competitors.

However, this does not diminish the importance of certain qualities that some event managers are born with. It is these qualities that distinguish an outstanding event manager from an okay one. If you have these qualities, you can say that you are born an event manager and are bound to be great in your job.

Great Interpersonal Skills

An event manager has to work with a team and other people in order to ensure the event is a success. This means that the manager should have the ability to tell and listen without any issues. It is important that the event manager understands what the client needs and then find ways to fulfill those needs or come up with different options.

Developing interpersonal skills is a necessity, but some people are born with these skills. Such people are able to manage their team or communicate effectively and it is these people who often make great event managers.


Nothing is fixed when organizing events. Everything is in a state of flux and things can change at a drop of a hat. Hence, an event manager should be flexible to take these changes in stride and work accordingly. You need to be ready to face any sort of situation and be able to think on your feet. If you have always been flexible where work is concerned, you are carved to become an event manager.


Events are extremely demanding and if you want to host a successful one, you should be full of energy and passion. Do you love to deal with every challenge with zest and passion? If so, you are born an event manager without a doubt!

Creative and Innovative

To be a successful event manager, you need to do things differently. This requires innovation and creativity. If you are the kind of person who always thinks out-of-the-box, you are destined to be a successful event manager. This means that problems and challenges are not an issue for you, as you have an innate ability to resolve them creatively.

Keen Eye for Details

It is the small things that matter. Do you always delve into things and look at minute details and try to get everything right? Well, then you are fit to be an event manager, as your keen sense of observation will prevent small things from blowing up and turning into big issues. Attention to detail allows you to ensure that everything is properly organized and in place for the event.

Good Time Management Skills

Your multitasking abilities are an indication that you are tailor-made to be an event manager. You have the ability to prioritize things at work and this allows you to be more productive and achieve more within a limited time period.

Passionate and Enthusiastic

This is an inherent quality and people are often born with this quality. It is only then they can excel in their chosen line of work. As a successful event manager, you have to have passion and this is what allows you to be productive and overcome obstacles that you face while organizing events.

Leadership Skills

Leaders are born and not made. This is an old saying and it is true for event managers as well. You have an innate quality for leading people and this is what shows that you were born to be an event manager. Your outstanding leadership skills help guide your team towards the end goal and that is why your events are a roaring success.

Superior Organizational Skills

Everything in an event has to be seamlessly choreographed, so that each step of the event goes off smoothly. However, organizational skills can be learned, but mastering them is difficult if you are not born with them. So with your superior and exceptional organizational skills, one can easily say that you were born to be an event manager.

Tech Savvy

Event management has changed tremendously with the availability of technology, so you should be well-versed in using it. This will help you get things done faster and also make you more efficient and productive as an event manager. Today, event managers have access to a wide range of event management software, such as event ticketing software, venue management software and more that makes their work easier.

If you possess these qualities, it is an indication that you were born to be an event manager. These qualities mean you are tailor-made for this great profession. So, jump into event management with enthusiasm and you'll soon carve a place for yourself in the industry.